Where is Pak Pahng Beach on Phuket?
• At the far Southern point of Phuket Island, on the East side.
What are the GPS coordinates of Pak Pahng Beach?
• GPS Data: 7° 45’ 40” N, 98° 18’ 59” E
How far is Pak Pahng Beach from Patong, Phuket Town, and the airport?
• kilometers is the distance from Pak Pahng Beach to Patong
• kilometers is the distance from Pak Pahng Beach to Phuket Town
• kilometers is the distance from Pak Pahng Beach to the airport
Are taxis available at Pak Pahng Beach?
• No
What beaches are surrounding Pak Pahng Beach?
Alex 2 Beach, beside Pak Pahng, is the Southernmost beach in Phuket. Rawai Beach is the next beach going north.
Which direction does Pak Pahng Beach face?
Southeast Beach
How long is the beachfront (beach length) at Pak Pahng Beach?
About 215 meters (235 yd.)
How wide is the beach (beach width) at Pak Pahng Beach?
24 meters (26 yd.) at its widest point.
What is the estimated beach area of Pak Pahng Beach?
2,835 square meter (3,391 square yd.)
How is the quality of the beach at Pak Pahng Beach?
Small white sand beach with a lot of ironwood trees lining the beach. Plenty of places with shade for a picnic or falling asleep on a beach mat or hammock.
What is the nature of the ocean floor at Pak Pahng Beach?
Some submerged rocks and coral.
Are there restroom and shower facilities available at Pak Pahng Beach?
What features/amenities are available at Pak Pahng Beach?
Pak Pahng is a very small beach with no frills. It’s beautiful to look at, and it might be deserted, so if you’re curious you could take a longtail boat there to have a look. Maybe you’ll get lucky and have it to yourself.
Lifeguard available? Is there a lifeguard on duty at Pak Pahng Beach?
Sunbeds available? Can you rent sunbeds at Pak Pahng Beach?
Umbrellas available? Can you rent umbrellas at Pak Pahng Beach?
Is Pak Pahng Beach a public or private beach, and are there any entrance fees?
Public, but entry from the road may be blocked with a locked gate. Arrival by boat is recommended.
Water quality? What is the condition of the water quality at Pak Pahng Beach?
Very Good
Boat anchorage possible? Can boats anchor at Pak Pahng Beach?
No, too many rocks.
Boat dock and marina? Is there a boat dock or marina at Pak Pahng Beach?
Is it possible to rent a longtail boat at Pak Pahng Beach?
Are speedboat or longtail boat tours available at Pak Pahng Beach?
Sea inflow? Is there a sea inflow at Pak Pahng Beach?
How gradual is the slope into the sea until it reaches a depth of 1 meter at Pak Pahng Beach?
Is there a convenience shop available at Pak Pahng Beach?
Attractions? What attractions can be found at Pak Pahng Beach?
None – the beach is the only thing here – no food vendors or other shops or restaurants.
Activities? What activities are available for visitors at Pak Pahng Beach?
Relaxing on the beach, and you could try snorkeling – there are submerged rocks that are likely holding fish and other marine life.
FKK possible? Is nude bathing or FKK (naturist culture) allowed at Pak Pahng Beach?
Not permitted, but if empty?
Are massages offered at Pak Pahng Beach?
Is it possible to picnic at Pak Pahng Beach?
Is it possible to surf at Pak Pahng Beach?
Is smoking allowed at Pak Pahng Beach?
Warnings – what should one be cautious of at Pak Pahng Beach?
Though not on the west side of the island, Pak Pahng is at the southern tip and gets some wave wash-around which could form dangerous currents. Do be careful.
Is there waste runoff into the sea at Pak Pahng Beach?