Where is Laem Ka Noi Beach on Phuket?
• Southeast Phuket
What are the GPS coordinates of Laem Ka Noi Beach?
• GPS Data: 7° 46’ 59” N, 98° 20’ 12” E
How far is Laem Ka Noi Beach from Patong, Phuket Town, and the airport?
• kilometers is the distance from Laem Ka Noi Beach to Patong
• kilometers is the distance from Laem Ka Noi Beach to Phuket Town
• kilometers is the distance from Laem Ka Noi Beach to the airport
Are taxis available at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
• No
What beaches are surrounding Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Laem Ka Beach is just South, and Friendship Beach is North.
Which direction does Laem Ka Noi Beach face?
How long is the beachfront (beach length) at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
60 meters (66 yd.). There are multiple beaches on Cape Panwa that are labeled “Panwa Beach” on Google maps, so it’s impossible to figure out which, or even if there is one official Panwa Beach. This listing includes only Cape Panwa Beach which faces Koh Lon Island.
How wide is the beach (beach width) at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Very little actual beach, mostly rocks.
What is the estimated beach area of Laem Ka Noi Beach?
60 square meters (72 square yd.)
How is the quality of the beach at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Very rocky with patches of sand.
What is the nature of the ocean floor at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Rocky and sand, muddy not ideal for swimming or wading. Good for launching a kayak.
Are there restroom and shower facilities available at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
What features/amenities are available at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
The beach is small, with a place to eat, and sometimes there are yoga classes held here.
Lifeguard available? Is there a lifeguard on duty at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Sunbeds available? Can you rent sunbeds at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Umbrellas available? Can you rent umbrellas at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Is Laem Ka Noi Beach a public or private beach, and are there any entrance fees?
Public, no entry fees.
Water quality? What is the condition of the water quality at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Very good.
Boat anchorage possible? Can boats anchor at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
No – too shallow.
Boat dock and marina? Is there a boat dock or marina at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Is it possible to rent a longtail boat at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Are speedboat or longtail boat tours available at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Sea inflow? Is there a sea inflow at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
How gradual is the slope into the sea until it reaches a depth of 1 meter at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Is there a convenience shop available at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Attractions? What attractions can be found at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Activities? What activities are available for visitors at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Relaxing. Yoga. Nothing else really to do here.
FKK possible? Is nude bathing or FKK (naturist culture) allowed at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Not permitted, but if empty?
Are massages offered at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
On main street
Is it possible to picnic at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Is it possible to surf at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
No, surfing is on the West Coast of Phuket Island.
Is smoking allowed at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Warnings – what should one be cautious of at Laem Ka Noi Beach?
Sharp rocks in the water, easy to cut your feet. Wear protective shoes.
Is there waste runoff into the sea at Laem Ka Noi Beach?